Sober Yoga Girl

Beyond Recovery with Matt Gardiner

Alex McRobert Season 2 Episode 14

Matt Gardiner is a passionate and empathetic Recovery Coach & Life Coach who has helped numerous people get out of their 'stuck stories' and move towards the life of their dreams.
He focuses on changing the language & words, and the stories you've been attaching to the events in your life.
Better words + better breathing = better life.
Matt's vision of Recovery includes an active and healthy lifestyle, that also includes planning for some very deliberate, relaxing downtime for self-care and healing.

Matt is also a gifted musician and Sound Therapist, which compliments his work as a Coach.
'Beyond Recovery' is a podcast hosted by Matt, where guests come on to share their journeys to, and through, recovery. You can learn more about what Matt offers and connect with him here:

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